Why Kitchen Solvers Outperforms Traditional Home Maintenance Franchises
Thinking of starting a business in the service industry?
Today’s post compares two popular service business opportunities–remodeling versus home maintenance–to help you make an informed investment. Read on to learn why the Kitchen Solvers remodeling business model outperforms traditional home maintenance franchises.
Home Maintenance Franchises vs. Kitchen Solvers: Which is More Profitable?
Home maintenance franchises traditionally focus on a variety of upkeep-related tasks, which may include:
- Handyman services
- Pool servicing and maintenance
- Lawn care
- Interior painting
- Wallpaper installation
- Appliance repair
- Carpet installation
- Power washing services
These are all important services that customers are willing to pay for. But most home maintenance franchises still struggle to compete with remodeling company profits (for more on what you can make with a Kitchen Solvers remodeling franchise, click here).
There are a few reasons for this disparity:
- Some home maintenance franchises are limited to seasonal work. Home maintenance franchises that focus on outdoor maintenance services such as lawn care, pool servicing, and power washing can only work in appropriate weather conditions. Some home maintenance franchises are forced to switch over to snow removal services during the winter months to cover shortfalls.In contrast, the Kitchen Solvers model operates at full-capacity year-round, with no need for inconvenient seasonal “conversions” to secondary services.
- Some home maintenance franchises are laser-focused on single services. Some home maintenance franchises specialize in certain services. And while specialization can increase your company’s value proposition and allow you to charge higher rates, this laser-focus cuts down on potential clientele. It also decreases your opportunities for complementary marketing, since you have no related services to offer.In contrast, the Kitchen Solvers model offers clients a complete remodeling service selection that encourages clients to use our business as a “one-stop shop.” In this way, you can generate multiple sales from a single client that might be interested in remodeling their floors, countertops, cabinets, and backsplash all in one shot. Our model is also conducive to complementary marketing.
- Home maintenance franchises offer fewer “big-ticket” services. The home maintenance franchise model focuses mostly on saving clients time on tasks they could do themselves, such as power washing, pool maintenance, lawn care, and laying down carpeting. Since this kind of work involves less special equipment and skills than others, you cannot charge a big premium for your services.In contrast, remodeling clients know they’re demanding results that require high quality materials and installation expertise, so they are undaunted by “big ticket” prices. Moreover, our full selection of services creates more opportunities to combine multiple small-to-medium sized jobs into a single “big-ticket” profit.
- Low barriers to entry create high competition for home maintenance franchises. Home maintenance franchises face stiff competition in most markets because these kinds of businesses are so easy to start. Anybody with a few tools and an internet connection can start a home maintenance business. And while these “solopreneurs” typically won’t offer services on par with home maintenance franchises, they’re often willing to undercut you since they have no real overhead or franchise fees cutting into their profits.The Kitchen Solvers franchise isn’t so easy to compete with. There are greater barriers to entry in this industry, since you need high-quality building materials, tools, and installation expertise that cannot be gained in a 5-minute YouTube video. As such, there are fewer small-time competitors out there trying to undercut you. And while there are big remodeling brands out there to beat, that’s true of every industry–plus Kitchen Solvers has the brand power, reputation, and support services to keep you one step ahead of the competition.
Learn More About The Kitchen Solvers Franchise Opportunity
Want to read more about how traditional home maintenance franchises stack up to the Kitchen Solvers remodeling business? Visit https://kitchensolversfranchise.com or call 866-604-0002 to speak with a representative.