Why Veterans Make Great Franchise Owners

If you’re a veteran looking to make the next step in your career, you should strongly consider franchise ownership, especially for a Kitchen Solvers franchise.
Veterans Have Proven Time And Again They Are Great Candidates For Franchise Ownership.
Each November we all take a moment on Veterans Day to consider the great sacrifice veterans of our armed services have made in the service of our country. We think of their bravery, their ingenuity, and their perseverance. We think of those who risked their lives to protect the rest of us and our freedoms. Perhaps what we don’t think about often enough is how veterans serve our society after their time in the armed forces has come to an end.
Many of the skills, attributes, and qualities it takes to be successful in the military are helpful in a myriad of other industries. One role veterans have proved to be successful in time and again is franchise ownership. Veterans seem to make great franchise partners for a number of different reasons. Veterans consistently display self-driven mentalities, leadership, camaraderie, and good risk analysis skills.
What Makes Veterans So Good At Franchise Ownership?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 10% of all business owners are military veterans. What accounts for veterans’ disproportionate success as franchise owners? First, veterans tend to have an effective style of leadership. The chain of command is very important in the military, but veterans also show a willingness to help out wherever they can to help their business achieve their goals. This leadership by example style is incredibly useful in franchise ownership.
Many veterans choose franchise ownership over going it alone with an independent business because of the community that comes with a franchise. Being a franchise owner means running your own business but also being part of something bigger, and veterans tend to fit into this paradigm very easily. Veterans are also by their nature risk takers; after all, armed service is a risky job. But veterans are not reckless. They have learned how to analyze situations and take appropriate risks, which stands them in good stead in business ownership.
Kitchen Solvers Has Excellent Kitchen Franchises For Sale.
At Kitchen Solvers, we are always thrilled to work with veterans who are interested in heading up one of our kitchen remodeling franchises. Veterans actually make up 15% of all Kitchen Solvers owners! We also offer a discounted investment option to our veterans. If you’re a veteran and would like to learn more about what we do or the kitchen and bathroom remodeling business more generally, you can visit our blog. If you have any specific questions or would like to begin the process of becoming a franchise partner, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.