4 Kitchen Renovation Business Tips: Sharing Kitchen Solver’s Best Practices
Today’s post shares 4 kitchen renovation business best practices. Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your existing business or are interested in learning the value of a Kitchen Solver’s franchise opportunity, these tips will help!
Focus on the numbers that build your bottom-line.
For the most part, kitchen renovation business owners tend to like their nose to the grindstone, where they can focus on producing quality work with strong turnover potential. If they wanted to crunch business metrics, they would have gotten into marketing or accounting, right?
If that’s the attitude you take, your kitchen renovation business will never reach its potential.
Analyzing, interpreting, and improving key business metrics is absolutely crucial for ongoing growth, which makes it even more shocking to learn how little time renovation company owners are willing to devote to this critical task.Early on, you should be focusing on minimizing overhead and maximizing leads, which should pay off in terms of gross profit and gross profit percentage.
One of the main obstacles kitchen renovation business owners face is a lack of knowledge. They got into this business to pursue their trade, not busy themselves with back office duties, and it’s hard to justify taking time away from money-making to try to learn.
At Kitchen Solvers, we make it easy to understanding business metrics and big-picture planning so you can spot the best opportunities for growth. Using cutting-edge marketing and bookkeeping software, we lay out crucial metrics in user-friendly dashboards and reports that our unparalleled business training will help you put to use. Furthermore, we offer ongoing support services and business coaching to ensure that your business’s numbers are moving in a way that supports your long-term Franchise Vision Plan.
Challenge yourself to constant process refinement.
While every kitchen renovation business owner knows efficiency is key on the job site, the same is true of every part of your process. Every 2-4 months, take a close look at all of your processes, including lead generation, sales, and client retention, and challenge yourself to find improvements to make or redundancies to eliminate.
The Kitchen Solver’s franchise has enjoyed over three decades of success, but we’ve never been content to rest on our laurels. For over thirty years, we have been consciously refining our Platinum Sales Process and Pleasant Remodeling Experience, and that’s why we’ve established ourselves as a profitable franchise opportunity and one of America’s kitchen remodeling authorities
Communicate at all levels.
The majority of problems kitchen remodeling business owners face boil down to poor communication. Encourage clear communications both internally and externally to save yourself some headaches. With clients, make an effort to stay in direct contact throughout the project, and create forums or encourage customer feedback via social media to keep the channels of communication open at all times. Internally, do your best to cultivate a business environment that welcomes clear, honest communication.
At Kitchen Solver’s, we work closely with clients throughout the project, and have a strong, responsive web presence to address customers concerns via our website forms and social media. Our business model is built on strong staff relationships, and we treat our fellow franchisees like family, encouraging collaboration and the sharing of ideas as much as possible.
Keep up with new products.
Though your remodeling skills are key, a big part of the job as a kitchen renovation business owner is acting as a design consultant. This means staying apprised of new trends, materials, and fixture options for your client. At Kitchen Solver’s, we enjoy access to exclusive vendor catalogues to get you exciting new products fast, and our ongoing education programs keep you up to date with modern tastes and trends.
But you’ll also need to keep up with new products that benefit you. Kitchen Solver’s is always on the lookout for cutting-edge technology and techniques to make our company more efficient, and you should be too.
If you want to learn more about Kitchen Solver’s best practices, visit http://www.kitchensolversfranchise.com to request a free information packet.