What is a hybrid kitchen, and how does it prove Kitchen Solvers’ expertise?

Ron Gallantine’s hybrid kitchen mixes new cabinets with refaced cabinets — but you’ll be hard pressed to tell the difference
Ron Gallantine thought he knew what cabinet refacing was — cheap-looking veneers — and he didn’t want it anywhere near his kitchen. Then he walked into a friend’s kitchen, which had been refaced with solid wood custom cabinet doors and drawers by Kitchen Solvers. Ron and Jackie Gallantine’s kitchen features some refaced cabinets and some new cabinets, courtesy of Kitchen Solvers. Can you tell them apart? “They should almost have a completely different name for what they do, because it’s not the same thing,” Ron says. Ron’s kitchen in Marietta, Ga., shows off just how beautiful a Kitchen Solvers cabinet reface can be: Take a close look at the picture above. Some of those cabinets are refaced, and some are new. Can you tell which is which? Ron says he can’t tell the new cabinets from the old ones, either, without inspecting them from the inside. We call jobs like Ron’s, which mix new cabinets with refaced cabinets, “hybrid kitchens” — and they’re an example of Kitchen Solvers’ skill. Why hybrid kitchens are special In most kitchens, cabinets are either ripped out and replaced or are refaced. Kitchen Solvers is one of the few companies that does both full remodels and refacing, and we’re also one of the few to mix the two techniques. The main advantages of cabinet refacing are that it can save customers thousands of dollars, it generally can be done more quickly and it is far less disruptive. The main advantage of new cabinetry, aside from replacing cabinets that are in bad shape, is that new cabinetry gives customers the opportunity to reconfigure their kitchen so that it functions better. Unfortunately, new cabinetry is also more expensive. Hybrid kitchens allow Kitchen Solvers to offer the best of both options to customers, saving them money while allowing them to add new cabinets or replace some cabinets that may not be useful. For instance, Ron’s old kitchen had nice, solid oak cabinets that his wife Jackie felt were outdated — making them a perfect candidate for the high-quality cabinet refacing that Kitchen Solvers specializes in. Some of the cabinets, though, needed to go — they were too narrow for a dinner plate, forcing Jackie to play a game of Tetris whenever she wanted put the dishes away. Art Mancino of Kitchen Solvers of Roswell, Ga., ripped out the tiny cabinets and replaced them with wider units. Jackie says that refacing the rest of the cabinets “saved us a whole lot.” What is a hybrid kitchen, and how does it prove Kitchen Solvers’ expertise? A “before” photo of Ron and Jackie Gallantine’s kitchen in Marietta, Georgia.