Cabinet Refacing Businesses Build Sustainable Futures
Sustainability sells, according to a 2018 Nielson report.
In this seminal study, researchers sought to demonstrate the effect that “sustainability claims” had on buyer behaviors. Specifically, they wanted to see whether sustainable product sales growth outpaced that of similar products without any eco-friendly claims on the packaging. Two sets of chocolate, coffee, and bath products were selected for observation, and sales were monitored for 52 consecutive weeks.
These were the results:
- Chocolate sustainable products sales growth was +16% (compared to +5% for non-sustainable products)
- Coffee sustainable products sales growth was +1% (compared to -1% for non-sustainable products)
- Bath products sustainable products sales growth was +14% (compared to +1% for non-sustainable products)
Conclusion? Like we said, sustainability sells.
And really, these findings shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. They echo results found in another recent Nielson global online study, in which 75% of Millennials indicated that they would be willing to pay extra for products and services that were good for the environment.
That’s great news for cabinet refacing business owners. Let’s talk about why.
Building Sustainable Futures As A Cabinet Refacing Business Owner
When it comes to sustainable remodeling practices, cabinet refacing businesses have the edge.
While there are “green” flooring, backsplash materials, and countertop options available, cabinet refacing is inherently eco-friendly. You replace what strictly needs to be replaced–usually doors, drawers, and moldings–and existing cabinet structures are reused, rather than piled into local landfills.
Furthermore, since so much of the existing cabinet frame is reused, you drastically cut down on supply deliveries, which in turn cuts down on carbon dioxide emissions.
To make the job even more eco-friendly, you can choose from a variety of eco-friendly products, including:
- Water-based finishes, which protect wood like cherry, maple, alder, or European steamed beech without emitting any volatile organic compounds;
- No Added Urea Formaldehyde (NAUF) wood, which only includes naturally occurring levels of formaldehyde and are available in many varieties;
- Bamboo, which is extremely environmentally friendly and provides attractive modern looks and honey tones;
- Melamine, which is a highly affordable material made of recycled resin and wood particles, and offered in a variety of colors and styles;
- Aluminum, which is increasingly behind used for panes with glass cabinetry;
- Thermo-foil, which is a flexible vinyl that can be applied to wood to strengthen and upgrade the exterior;
- Lyptus, which comes from Brazil’s eucalyptus hybrid tree and does not contribute to the deforestation problem.
Go Green And Make Green In The Cabinet Refacing Business
Running a cabinet refacing business is both eco-friendly and “economically” friendly. That is to say, it’s as good for the planet as it is for your wallet.
Why? Because this business is affordable to start, can be run entirely from your home, and requires fewer materials and less inventory than other renovation-based business models. The remodeling industry is also enjoying a healthy boost in 2019, with Americans spending approximately 7.5% more on home remodeling than they did in the previous year, according to a report by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University via Reuters.
If you’d like to learn more about running a cabinet refacing business, visit the Kitchen Solvers Franchise Homepage or call 888-484-8468 to speak with one of our representatives.