Cabinet Refacing Franchise’s Sales Growth Strategy: Become a Networking Pro
Real estate agents, their clients, benefit from cabinet refacing franchise
For a kitchen remodeling and cabinet refacing franchise like Kitchen Solvers, earning referrals is key to success. With more than three decades in business and a nationwide network of franchisees, we’ve turned tens of thousands of customers into fans who help share the word about the beauty of our kitchen remodels. But tapping into professional networks can bring faster success — especially to new franchise owners. That’s why Kitchen Solvers trains new franchise owners on the best ways to for remodelers to network.
For instance, consider Kitchen Solvers’ value to local real estate agents.
It is common sense: Real estate agents are in the business of selling property. Therefore, they know if the houses they list need improvements — and a nice kitchen is a key to sales. So the agents can readily provide referrals for a business focused on giving new life to old kitchens. Kitchen Solvers helps franchisees learn how to network with real estate agents and put your company onto the agents’ lists of potential problem solvers when listings need facelifts.
Grow your business by helping Realtors
For example, many real estate offices hold monthly seminars for their agents. Their goals in general are to help the agents learn different methods of boosting sales.
Ask those real estate firms to be a “guest speaker,” with the idea being that you will talk about how kitchen remodeling can boost home values and accelerate sales. Then describe how the kitchen cabinet refacing performed by Kitchen Solvers is often quicker and more affordable than remodeling. Similarly, certification classes for new real estate agents in your community provide other openings for you to educate and build familiarity with how Kitchen Solvers can help. The payoff for such networking comes when agents sit down with clients to go over checklists of what is needed to make the property ready to sell, and your franchise is the first one that comes to mind when they talk about the kitchen. It’s an example of how getting to know other business owners who either may be in need of Kitchen Solvers services or who are in regular contact with potential customers can help franchisees build strong foundations for growth.
Targeting the right business relationships
Learning how to network is easier for some personalities than for others, of course, and Kitchen Solvers helps franchisees by providing them lists of people who are likely customers.
In addition to real estate agents, these would include assisted living facilities managers and apartment property managers, people who must regularly update and improve their properties to serve their client bases. And then there is broader networking among businesses eager to help one another. BNI, of course, is the ultimate example, as that organization has as its goal putting business professionals in contact with each other to share ideas, contacts, information and referrals. BNI has more than 145,000 members internationally and on its website points out that last year it was responsible for 7.1 million referrals and $3.3 billion of business for members. But even getting involved in the local business associations and lunch groups helps spread the knowledge of who you are and what you offer.